
Minggu, 08 Januari 2012

The Role of Women, Minorities and the Handicapped in the Engineering Sector by : Forbes, Lincoln H.; Edosomwan, Johnson A.

       There are predictions of an impending engineering manpower crisis. One source of supply has been put in the spotlight and IIE and the engineering community are taking a close look at what can and should be done.
Changing Technological Trends
      The dynamics of the equation are becoming increasingly complex-Good old American ingenuity is not so rare a commodity any longer. It refined the automobile and brought it to the masses in a way that no other country quite did. In the halcyon days of the industry, not too long ago, we tolerated more than our fair share of imperfections because we were so enamored with the novelty of each year's model changes, and we changed our autos so frequently, that this was not such a problem. Other countries such as Japan, Sweden, West Germany and France have shown us that they have a tremendous amount of ingenuity as well, but most importantly, that they know how to implement it.
Emerging Economic Trends
       The dreaded "I word," inflation has been creeping upwards over the years, to the point where we are torn between "Buy American" and buying products that are durable and cost effective, although they may have been produced by other countries. Our national productivity has not been keeping pace with inflation. Over the past several decades have seen a vicious circle with management striving to contain costs that ultimately lead to inflation, and with labor clamoring to have workers compensated better, in order to keep up with the same kind of inflation.
Women, Minorities, the Handicapped

       The engineers and scientists of the future will come increasingly from the ranks of women and minorities, two groups who by historical precedent have not been adequately prepared for or oriented towards these fields. A majority of engineering school deans around the nation concur that colleges must make a concerted effort to recruit women and minorities into engineering.
IIE strategy and contribution  
       The Institute of Industrial Engineers has been acutely aware of this problem and has made a commitment to address it. Task Force studied the problem, it became evident that:
       Many minority and female students do not enter the fields of science and engineering because they do not consider them to be as attractive as Law, Medicine, Accounting, etc. Furthermore, these fields are consumer-oriented and offer a degree of independence of the corporate structure, from which minorities and females have historically felt a degree of alienation. Many such students, their interest notwithstanding, often cannot readily enter college programs in science and engineering because of inherent deficiencies in their elementary and secondary education.
      Most minority families live perilously close to the poverty line, and therefore can scarcely afford to send even the most promising students to college. Scholarships and other financial assistance are available, but not plentiful enough to address the educational shortfall.

1 komentar:

gclass2011 mengatakan...

Ryanti Setyoningtyas Dinaputri(115060701111058)

Woman in engineering? Does that sounds taboo for you? Not for me. Because here I am with many other girls. This is the era of emancipation. We can do what man could do. The case here is there are predictions of an impending engineering manpower crisis. So there is nothing wrong for women to try her skills in engineering. Women not only for medicine, accounting, law, etc.
Are your parents objected when you was educated in engineering? Are your parents suggested that we must continue in medicine, law, or accounting? So do I. Engineering is not as easy to work in an office that just sits at the table and struggling with a computer. An engineer is required to work in open area or a large factory. In addition, engineering jobs require a strong force because it will be struggling with heavy machinery.
Nowadays, women's presence in engineering sciences is still very little known, especially in the hard engineering such as mechanical engineering and electrical engineering. But women's presence in any science is needed to balance the work of men. Presence of women is considered able to balance problems in the midst of the men in engineering. Therefore in this article discussed that universities around the world agreed to recruit women in engineering.
I think women in engineering do not need to be underestimated. Now, it is not the Siti Nurbaya era where women should confine themselves at home. Now is the era which men and women must work together to achieve one goal. However, women must also remain aware of their nature to take care of the household. For me there’s not doubt for women to become an engineer as long as she knows the limitations. So we should be proud to be one of the women in engineering and participated to develop industry especially in Indonesia.

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