
Selasa, 03 Januari 2012

Good Ergonomics - How Should You Sit at Your Desk With Your Computer?

By Rachel Berret
On the average, office workers spend 5-6 hours, if not more, sitting in front of a computer at the office everyday. If you often complain about persistent neck, shoulder, or back pains after work, more often than not, bad office ergonomics is to blame. Repetitive motion disorders, body pains and muscles strains, can be caused by bad ergonomics, and if not corrected, may lead to other more serious conditions. Because of this, it is important for you to know how your body should be positioned in your workstation and how your office equipment can help to further improve your comfort and work productivity.
In this article, you would be given some tips and guidelines you should consider while working at your desk, sitting in front of the computer for long hours.
In order to have good ergonomics for the use of your chair you must:
1. Utilize the arm rests. Your chair's arm rests are there for a reason. If you are capable of doing so, place your arms on the arm rests so it will be able to rest properly.
2. Have a lumbar support. This can be a cushion or a pillow needed to support your lumbar in order to avoid back pains. Place the lumbar support just a little space bellow your waistline.
3. Adjust your chair. Adjust your chair that your feet is not hanging on the floor nor too low. Your feet must be able to rest properly on the floor to avoid strains and cramps.
4. Have at least 2-3 inches space between the back of your knees and the edge of your seat.
5. If you can find one, buy a chair with a high board so you can be able to rest your shoulder as well.
In order for you to maximize the good ergonomics of your seat, you must be able to develop a good sitting posture as well. Here are some of the general guidelines in sitting with a correct posture:
1. Lean back and push your hips as far as it can be able to reach on your chair. It is important that your hips have something to lean on in order for it to rest properly.
2. Lean your back at the board of your chair and sit on it at a 100 degree-110 degree angle.
3. Make your hips a little higher than your knees by positioning it properly. Make sure your feet completely rest on the floor.
4. Maintain a straight position on the part of your wrists even if you are typing or using the mouse.
5. Rest your upper arms and let it hang naturally on your shoulders. It will keep you relaxed and strain-free.
Of course, it will be painful to have this position in the whole 8 hours of work. Every 10 minutes of every hour, you can rest for about 30 seconds or so. In this time, you can do stretches or change your position. With these tips and guidelines, you would surely have a very comfortable workstation and you would be able to work more efficiently and productively.

1 komentar:

Rian Dwi Nur Aziza ( 115060700111100 ) mengatakan...

This article tell about some tips and guide lines how should we sit at our desk with our computer. In my opinion it’s very important to us that work in front of computer a week of Sundays. Righteously, they must observe it. With pay attention this tips, it can help us to get ergonomics chair for working with computer and know how to use ergonomics chair well. It is very important in job world. We must consider our health because without healthy body we can not work well. With knowing how to use ergonomics chair well, we can get good pleasure when sit on it. Beside that, to maximize ergonomics chair utilizing, at article, there are some of the general guidelines in sitting with a correct posture. It is very important too because it can influence our posture body later. With sitting on ergonomics chair well, our body will not feel tired quickly. We can employing facility on this chair well. We must use it correctly. For example, how to lean back and push our hips. With working 8 hours of work even more. We can rest for about 30 seconds or so. At this time, we can do stretches or change our position. With some of these tips and guidelines, you would surely have a very comfortable workstation and you would be able to work more efficiently and productively.

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