What is OEE?
OEE = Availability X Performance Rate X Quality Rate
Availability - Percent of scheduled production (to measure reliability) or calendar hours 24/7/365 (to measure equipment utilization), that equipment is available for production.
Performance Rate - Percent of parts produced per time frame, of maximum rate OEM rated production speed at. If OEM specification is not available, use best known production rate.
Quality Rate - Percent of good sellable parts out of total parts produced per time frame.
Why use OEE?
Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) can be used to save companies from making inappropriate purchases, and help them focus on improving the performance of machinery and plant equipment they already own. OEE is used to find the greatest areas of improvement so you start with the area that will provide the greatest return on asset. The OEE formula will show how improvements in changeovers, quality, machine reliability improvements, working through breaks and more, will affect your bottom line.
As you strive towards World Class productivity in your facility, this simple formula will make an excellent benchmarking tool. The derived OEE percentage is easy to understand and displaying this single number where all facility personnel can view it, makes for a great motivational technique. By giving your employees an easy way to see how they are doing in overall equipment utilization, production speed, and quality, they will strive for a higher number!
How to use OEE?
Implementing the Overall Equipment Effectiveness formula in your facility can take on many different forms. It can be used as an analysis and benchmarking tool for either reliability, equipment utilization, or both. Don't let indecision on how to best use OEE become a barrier that prevents you from using it at all. Start out small if necessary, picking your bottleneck to collect the OEE metrics on.
Once you see first hand what a valuable tool it is, you can gradually take OEE measurements on other equipment in your facility. If you work in manufacturing , there is no substitute for going out to the shop floor and taking some rough measurements of OEE. You will be surprised by what you find!
While monitoring OEE per equipment brings focus on the equipment itself, it may not provide true cause of major costs, unless the cause is obvious. For example OEE can appear improved by actions such as purchasing oversize equipment, providing redundant supporting systems, and increasing the frequency of overhauls.
To improve your OEE percentage, you will need to use other tools and methodologies available to you, like TDC, RCA, FTA etc. TDC is a relatively new methodology that focuses on True Downtime Cost for justification and making better management decisions. TDC overcomes the main implementation barrier for OEE by giving maintenance managers a tool in which to show actual cost savings in relationship with OEE.
For the ultimate decision making tool, incorporate OEE with TDC.
Front End: Incorporate TDC into your data collection. (contact me for a free power point)
Back End: Incorporate TDC into your software reporting by requiring it of your software vendor.
On a larger scale, you should not only be calculating equipment OEE, you should also be calculating a production line OEE, and within a corporation, a facility OEE. Factory automation companies are starting to incorporate OEE into the reports they generate automatically! There are also a few companies who specialize in providing shop floor data in automatic easy to read OEE reports.
1 komentar:
The usage of overall equipment effectiveness colud be a big helper for mid- low entrepreneur in Indonesian to protect their cash balance from inappropriate expenditure. As we can see from mid- low entrepreneur in Indonesia still lack of awareness from overall equipment effectiveness. The mindset of “replacing” instead of “maintaining” equipment still become a trend. This is because they are prioritizing to supplying demand with attempting high level production process, while the durability, and the toughness of the equipment and properties were ignored. This will cause the equipment ad properties quick to have breakdown. In this case I the solution is buying new equipment it is not effective, because it will need additional cost suh as transportation cost. Thought maintaining needed cost and time, If it well scheduled it can maintain the production process. Some entrepreneur might be already implementing maintenance event for equipment and properties, but still it is not scheduled properly. So the basic principle of overall equipment effectiveness should be introduce to mid low entrepreneur. This introduction could decrease expenditure while still concern about production process. An most of all, gaining more profit. By implementating this, not only the flow process can be maintained but the cash balance would be secured.
Dwiki Wahyu H
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