
Rabu, 21 Desember 2011

Sustainable Industries – The rapid economic growth in the industry as the backbone, always leaving the increasingly severe environmental impacts. Why did it happen? Is not in the development of industrial zones is always accompanied by a feasibility study (feasibility study) which includes the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). So the extent to which the validity of the EIA. It’s really just a complement is realized or new requirements are fictitious.
However industrialization step is the “stance” the most powerful ways to accelerate economic growth. In this case the intense economic and external impact of the larger industrial sector than the agricultural sector. In addition, levels of productivity and efficiency of higher industrial sector, and to absorb a lot more labor.
In the production process always results setipa residual or waste products, it applies to all types of industries. Thus required a planned waste management and modern. Industrial waste can not be dealt with perfunctory or thrown away. If doing so, it impressed the industrialists are not responsible, can even be dragged to court.
Industrial waste gaseous, liquid or solid is often harmful to the health and safety of surrounding communities. In an area of ​​the textile industry, waste colorful with a bad odor, freely entering drains or rivers. Though the river has a variety of functions, ranging from irrigation of food crops, fisheries, or everyday purposes.
If conditions are increasingly polluted waters, the surrounding community became reluctant to mendayagunakannya. Furthermore waters can be a dangerous source of disease, can cause itching, diarrhea and so on. If pesawahan industrial waste entering the area, then the rice crop will be contaminated various waste components, such as heavy metals. Not infrequently the crop may contain residues of industrial waste.
Besides damaging water, industrial waste also has the potential to pollute the atmosphere around. The air around industrial cities such as Jakarta, Tangerang, Jakarta, Bandung, Cimahi, Surabaya, Sidoarjo and Gresik, a variety of industrial pollutants have contaminated. Some industrial waste chemical compounds potentially cause respiratory problems and skin damage. If the smoke continues to be released without restraint, not excessive if one day the cities will be shrouded in smog (smoke haze). Smog disaster ever happened to Tokyo and several other cities. The atmosphere of the city air is like a city that bursts of material exposed to volcanic eruption, as happened in Jogjakarta, Magelang and the surrounding area a few months ago.
Industrialization is part of the development. Wherever building activities always pose environmental risks. In this case, Prof. Otto Soemarwoto (environmental experts from Unpad) argues, that the problem is not to build or not build. But how to build that once environmental quality and quality of life can be improved.
Idealistic opinion is, in fact very difficult to make the industry and the environment over and over. Under ideal conditions, the industry sector is not only exploiting the environment, but also care for and preserve it. On the other side of the carrying capacity of the environment on optimal growing industry. As a result they are always in a balanced position, so that the impression of dichotomous and the dilemma can be muted in such a way.
It is rather impressed cliché or bombastic. But if not so then the actual development mission will never be reached. What does it mean if a high enough income to live lying in the garbage, sewage and pollutants. There was no other choice, the industry must be environmentally sound.

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gclass2011 mengatakan...
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gclass2011 mengatakan...

I slightly want to comment on this article that is a very good article. because explain about process and sustainable industries especially in environmental. The rapid economic growth in the industry as the backbone, always leaving the increasingly severe environmental impacts. Why did it happen? Is not in the development of industrial zones is always accompanied by a feasibility study (feasibility study) which includes the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). So the extent to which the validity of the EIA. It’s really just a complement is realized or new requirements are fictitious. It is rather impressed cliché or bombastic. But if not so then the actual development mission will never be reached. What does it mean if a high enough income to live lying in the garbage, sewage and pollutants. There was no other choice, the industry must be environmentally sound.

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