
Rabu, 21 Desember 2011

Lean Six Sigma Breakthrough

What is LSS? Lean and Six Sigma are methodologies and tool sets that can enable an organization to improve performance significantly. The tools and techniques are used to create breakthroughs to achieve substantially higher levels of performance quickly. Breakthroughs do not just happen. They require a systematic change process, one that can only be achieved with the “project-by-project” approach.
Lean Six Sigma helps product and service providers reduce Costs of Poor Quality (COPQ) – those costs that would disappear if every task was done perfectly the first time, every time. Costs of Poor Quality can also be defined as the difference between the theoretical minimum cost and the actual cost.
Improving products, processes, and services is a neverending pursuit. Achieving breakthroughs may require a tenfold improvement, or even better to reduce deficiencies to fewer than 3.4 parts per million (ppm), which is the Six Sigma level of performance from which the Six Sigma tool set gets its name. For an organization to continue making breakthroughs and meet the needs of its stakeholders, it must master the skills to plan, control, and improve quality, also known as the Juran Trilogy®.
Lean Six Sigma quality improvement takes place in a five phase process: Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control – or DMAIC (da-may-ik). We will discuss each of these phases and the results as they relate to the case study.
Why would we use the LSS process and tools? Organizations must improve the quality of their services and products in order to achieve and maintain their competitiveness. Services and products that were created to respond to customer needs may not meet their goal, or once-excellent products may no longer be good enough for today’s challenging competition. Customers have multiple sources available to fulfill most of their needs and will switch suppliers when their needs are no longer being met or when another supplier offers superior products or services for less cost.
Too much variation in your processes creates deficiencies in the goods and services you deliver. These deficiencies erode financial margins and reduce customer loyalty. Reducing variation can lead to superior performance.
Merely improving average performance is not enough. Customers, costs, and profits are adversely affected by the variation in a process as well. Lean Six Sigma focuses on identifying variation in your processes and products, proving the root causes for that variation, and implementing improvements that both reduce the variation in the process and move the average closer to the customers’ expectation.
Organizations more mature in their deployment of Lean Six Sigma have learned that these methods are not only useful for improving product or service creation processes, but also have a dramatically positive effect on the organization’s performance when applied to the “business processes” such as Human Resource Management (HRM). Improved quality performance of internal processes like HRM contributes to the overall success of the organization by reducing wasted time and resources and increasing the capability of the organization to delight its customers.


1 komentar:

gclass2011 mengatakan...

In my opinion that Lean Six Sigma is the best method to determine the quality of a product from the initial process to into a good product. Teach you how the right way to find a new breakthroughs by systematic system. With the lean six sigma help reduce the costs of poor quality (COPQ) that could occur in the production process. To achieve a new breakthrough that good of a company should be able to improve skills, to plan something well, and improve quality. In a lean six sigma methods, improving the quality of the company through five stages of the process: Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control. To improve the quality of company products, we need to look at another company's product quality, in order to retain competitiveness. In addition the company also must look at the interests and desires of customers, trying to meet the desires of customers while maintaining quality. Otherwise customers will switch to another company because of perceived product quality has declined. Meaning of its own customers is essential to progress and development of a company. Too many variations are also not good, the less variation, the more quickly and easily complete a product. Lean six sigma method not only gives a way to improve the quality, but also how to please customers by human resource management (HRM).

Adinda Putri Vinakanti (115060701111061)

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