Ergonomics and K3 are two things that can’t be separated. Both of them lead to the same goal of improving the quality of work life . Aspects of quality of working life is one important factor that affects the sense of confidence and ownership to the company's workers, which leads to productivity and work quality. That is, workers will have high motivation in the work when the aspect of safety, health, and comfort of their more unnoticed.
Our empirical experience suggests that the achievement of performance management K3 is very dependent on the extent to which ergonomics factors have been unnoticed in the company. In fact, accidents still occur in various enterprises that have passed administratively (comply) K3 management system audit. There's a saying that "without ergonomics, safety management is not enough". Complaints related to decreased work ability of abnormalities in muscle-order systems, for example, as if escaped from the mechanism and the existing audit system in general K3.
It is unfortunate that the ergonomics are often misunderstood and only associated with aspects of comfort (seat design) or physical dimensions of the human body. Consequently, the application of ergonomics is still not considered important, especially in companies in Indonesia, so many of the design of work systems are not ergonomic. This can be seen from the mismatch between the employee and manner of work, machinery, or working tools used, workplace environment,or involves setting the workload that is not optimal.
The work (quality and quantity) are not satisfactory. Often the work accident or incident is nearly a crash. Workers often make mistakes (human error). Workers complain of pain or pain in the neck, shoulders, back, or waist. Working tools or machines don’t correspond to the physical characteristics of workers. Workers are too tired and need a long break, especially to poor working. Work environment irregular, noisy, airless. Workers complained about the workload (physical and mental) is excessive and low job commitment. The low participation of workers in the system or loss of brainstorming caring attitude towards work and even apathy.
With ergonomics, systems of work in all line ministries are designed such notice variations in terms of workers' capabilities and limitations (physical, psychological, and socio-technical) approach to human-centered design. The concept of evaluation and design of ergonomics is to ensure that the workload demands must be below the average ability of workers. With this design the work system acquired a productive, safe, healthy, and also convenient for the worker.
Finally, an ergonomic work system will ensure the safety, health, and comfort and provide positive motivation for workers to improve its performance by understanding the importance of this aspect of ergonomics, every company should conduct an integrated evaluation to assess the extent to which the suitability of the existing work system design (including the job itself) with its workers. The elements of a working system that assessed include machinery and equipment, materials, methods of work, the physical environment, component layout and workspace. Evaluation of ergonomics is important no matter what form the company, ranging from industrial manufacturing, service industries, or industrial processes.
1 komentar:
According to me, K3 and ergonomics are two words can not be separated. It seems that this two words are not isolate in all of companies in the world. Automatically, a company use K3 and ergonomics as basic of work, because they are very important for job world. A company use ergonomics and K3 to keep their safety working especially for its worker. The employee will not do their work at random. As we know that every machine and working have utilizing method. So, if we want to use it, we must obey its rule. If the employee don’t obey its rule, so will make high risk. To make machine, we must pay attention ergonomics degree too. This part is very useful and important. With using machine or material of working have ergonomics degree, we will not feel tired quickly because its suitable with our condition. It has been made in such a manner to consider user’s pleasure. We will use it comfortabl, do not feel undisturbed. So, user do not feel scared or worried if will use it. So, we can conclude that K3 and ergonomics are very useful for our. In my opinion, K3 and ergonomics is not only use for a company. In daily activity, indirectly we used this method. But, the general society do not know this technical term. K3 and ergonomics have many benefits in our life
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