There is more to implementing Kaizen. However, the following serves as an overview of introducing Kaizen into an American workplace.
For most American companies Kaizen involves a significant change in the corporate culture. This is key. The attitudes of employees - from top management down to new hires will need to change. Kaizen needs to become something all employees do because they want to, and because they know it is good for them and the company. It can not be something employees do because management dictates that it be done.
That means that if management isn't ready to lead by example, Kaizen will not get off the ground.
Employee training and communication is important. Combined with that, direct involvement by the management is critical. For example, a manager spending a week on the shop floor working with employees to help and encourage them to develop suggestions will help. That manager should also ensure employees see their suggestions acted on immediately. Suggestions should not be implemented next month or next week, but today. In some cases, a suggestion submitted in the morning can be implemented that afternoon, or sooner.
Keep employees informed about what happens with their suggestions. Don't have suggestions disappear into a management "black hole."
To get Kaizen started it can be helpful to bring in outside experts. They can work in your facility identifying problems that those close to the work may not see. This serves as a "seed" allowing employees to see how Kaizen works and to experience the benefits of Kaizen.
A significant obstacle to Kaizen in many corporations is that problems are seen as negatives. We don't like problems. Someone who is associated with a problem is likely to be negatively impacted (a lower raise, missed promotion, or even fired). In Kaizen, problems are opportunities to improve. With Kaizen we want to find, report, and fix problems. Kaizen encourages and rewards the identification of problems by all employees.
To encourage the submission of suggestions, a part of each supervisor's evaluation should be based on the number of suggestions submitted by those they supervise. Don't evaluate employees on the number of suggestions they submit, evaluate your supervisors and managers and how well they are doing at getting those who work for them to actively participate in Kaizen.
Managers should develop methods to help create suggestions and increase the number of suggestions. For example, set up teams of five to 12 people to evaluate work areas, processes, quality, productivity, and equipment availability/reliability. The team then makes suggestions for improvements, and they may even implement those improvements.
Train employees in using Kaizen tools such as 5S, Kanban, and Line Balancing.
Keep in mind that Kaizen is about action. Taking action to generate suggestions, and taking action to implement those suggestions immediately.
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1 komentar:
In the business management, kaizen is a Japanese tradition which now used internationally. It means “improvement” or “change for the better”. The most basic concept of kaizen is one of restructuring and organizing every aspect of a system to ensure it remains at the top of efficiency. And practices that focus upon continuous improvement of processes in manufacturing, engineering, and business management.
According to the meaning of kaizen, i think kaizen is the most thing that should have by a company. Because it can make a significant change for their company. Kaizen can be good in the company if they want too. It can not be something that employees do because it taught by their company.
Kaizen have a purpose, which goes “beyond simple productivity improvement”. It is also a process done correctly, human on the workplace, eliminates overly hard work, teaches people how to perform experiments on their work and eliminate waste in business processes. I think the process suggests a human approach to workers and to increasing productivity as much as it is to encourage participation in kaizen activities.
From my point view, communication is needed in a company, because it can be a way for the manager and the employee to build a good company. And i agree with the statement that the manager should be spending a week on the shop floor working with employees to help and encourage them. Because it can make the manager closer with the employee and know everythings that happen in the work station everyday. Problems are opportunities to improve. With Kaizen we want to find, report, and fix problems. Kaizen encourages and rewards the identification of problems by all employees.
Nur Aini Aziz (115060700111098)
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