Many industrial engineers are the manufacturing engineers for their companies and are doing an excellent job of addressing the right manufacturing issues and asking the right questions. These industrial engineers have a broad perspective of manufacturing. These professionals understand the importance of industrial engineers being the facilitators and integrators of the product, process, organizational, facilities, material handling, methodology and control systems design.
These industrial engineers have reputations of being implementors of integrated manufacturing systems that are flexible, modular, reliable, responsive, have no or little inventory and produce high quality. Unfortunately, not all industrial engineers working in manufacturing fit into this first category. There are two other categories.
The second category is the opposite of the first category. If one desires labels, I would label the first category the winners and the second the losers. There are many different characteristics that would result in my referring to an industrial engineer as a loser. The characteristics most often encountered are:
1. The Techie: The techie spends at least six hours a day at his PC and collecting of software and only gets involved with improving manufacturing when this is an avenue to obtain a new software package.
2. The Fad Chaser: The fad chaser is an enthusiastic industrial engineer who lives for the latest new acronym. Unfortunately, after several years, this person becomes burned out and moves on to another category of loser.
3. The Detailer: The detailer is an engineer who knows everything there is to know about a very limited area. Detailers' usefulness is limited because they are so narrow in perspective that they really don't know how to apply what they know.
4. The Meeting Person: A characteristic of this loser is a stack of phone messages on his or her desk. The meeting person spends eight hours a day in meetings and never has time to spend on the shop floor or to do any work. Unfortunately, nothing is ever implemented or improved.
5. The Mole: The mole has no vision of the future, no creativity and, although appears to be conscientious, never really does anything. The mole is different from the detailer in that the detailer knows everything about a very limited scope, the mole knows nothing about everything.
The third category of industrial engineering working in manufacturing is a former winner that has become a defector. Many winning industrial engineers make major contributions to their company and therefore get promoted into manufacturing management. Once promoted, these professionals view themselves as managers and not as industrial engineers. This is a same. The fact is that these professionals are, and always will be, industrial engineers. Their avocation may be manufacturing manager, but their profession is industrial engineering.
These professionals were promoted because they utilized their industrialengineering expertise to improve manufacturing. Hopefully, being promoted to manager will not end their efforts to improve manufacturing. It is in the best interests of the individual and the company for the industrial engineer to remain an industrial engineer even if his or her title happens to change to manager. Not all industrial engineers are doing well in manufacturing. However, not all industrial engineers are doing poorly in manufacturing.
1 komentar:
Ryanti Setyoningtyas Dinaputri (115060701111058)
Anybody wants to be a loser? Certainly no. But in all of expertise we are faced with the reality that there are people who become a winners and the other are a losers. Winners and losers in this case is not measured by a competition like in general, but it is harder than winning competition though. Winners and losers in this case is measured by their ability in carry out their profession.
This case is not only found in industrial engineer profession. It is also found at the other profession such as doctors, accountants, architects, etc. Of course the way to identify winners and losers characters is different according to the proffesion. But in our position as industrial engineer (Amin), we must consider the article above.
All of us certainly want to be a winners in our proffesion, industrial engineer. So we should stay away from all this characteristics :
1.The Techie. In my opinion, the Techie is a personal that depend on gadget. They will feel their life is empty without gadget. Gadget is not bad. But it is very bad if they make us far away from people around us.
2.The Fad Chaser. This personal is depend on lastest issues and the worst is they always practice the theory and just discovered the answer to all manufacturing ills.
3.The Detailer. The Detailer’s knowledge is very limited. They just knows about a particular issues and knows nothing about the other case.
4.The Meeting Person. This personal have busy schedules of meetings. And never implement the theory that achieved in the meetings.
5.The Mole. The mole does not think like an engineer, just despite a degree in industrial engineering. This loser has no vision and creativity in their proffesion.
Of course I do not want to be one of these losers. How about you?
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