
Minggu, 25 Desember 2011

ergonomics secure general definitions

Ergonomics comes from the words: "ergon" = work, 'nomos' = rules / laws, so that Ergonomics can be defined as the science of the rules on working. "Ergonomics is the science and its application to align their job search and the environment against people or vice versa in order to achieve high productivity and efficiency through optimum utilization of man"
Thus it can be said that ergonomics is an applied science that studies the issue and seek solutions on human factors in the production process. It can be said also of ergonomics as a technology for designing / organizing work, is the scope of the science of ergonomics include a number of applications some of which support each other sciences, such as the science of anatomy, physiology, psychology, science engineering and a host of other sciences which collectively same place as the main focus of human factors in a series of work contained in the working system. (Http: / /

FUNCTION Ergonomics

Ergonomics has a function that can provide comfort for people to do the job. With constraints such as those possessed by human limitations can be overcome. Another function, ergonomics can reduce the use more energy when someone does the job. Selin, ergonomics can mebuat better person in doing a good job pruktivitas better.
For example, the position between the tables and chairs kethka we work or study. This position is made in such a way that we can easily do the job.
Psychological impact that can make the productivity increase due to an ergonomic position to reduce the level of fatigue in the workplace. (Http: / / /)
Application / implementation of Ergonomics:
1. Position Work consists of sitting and standing position, sitting position in which the foot is not burdened with the weight of the body and stable position during work. While standing position where the vertical position of the spine and body weight in a balanced concentrated on two legs.
2. Work processes. The workers can achieve the work equipment in accordance with the position of working time and according to the size anthropometrinya. Anthropometric measures should be distinguished from the west and east.
3. The layout of the workplace. Display must be clearly visible during work activities. While the internationally accepted symbol is more widely used than words.
4. Lifting weights. Various ways in which lifting weights, with head, shoulders, arms, back etc.. This burden is too heavy (Source:

 in my opinion, very important for us to study the science of ergonomics. because in ergonomics taught us to be able to learn to interact with the work, be it a working tool or our work environment. This major effect on the results of our work. with the application of ergonomics knowledge workers can minimize workplace accidents, faulty work, make effective working time and labor
 other than that in the ergonomics also consider the safety aspects of its workers. also consider the effects on the environment works. this is very influential on the condition of the working environment. so in workmanship or manufacturing process, is expected to ergonomics as one aspect that must be considered. therefore expected to apply the science of ergonomics we obtain the result of an optimal, effective and efficient. Do not forget to always put safety and health of producers and consumers.

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