
Selasa, 27 Desember 2011


Ergonomics comes from the words: "ergon" = work, 'nomos' = rules / laws, so that Ergonomics can be defined as the science of the rules on working. "Ergonomics is the science and its application to align their job search and the environment against people or vice versa in order to achieve high productivity and efficiency through optimum utilization of man"
Ergonomics is the science which studies human behavior in relation to their work. Ergonomics is the study targets people working in the environment. In short we can say that ergonomics is the adjustment of job duties with the condition of the human body to reduce stress is to be faced. The effort, which includes adjusting the size of the workplace with the dimensions of the body to avoid tiring, setting temperature, light and humidity aims to fit the needs of the human body. (Http: / / /)
FUNCTION Ergonomics Ergonomics has a function that can provide comfort for people to do the job. With constraints such as those possessed by human limitations can be overcome. Another function, ergonomics can reduce energy use even more when someone does the job. Selin, ergonomics can mebuat better person in doing a good job pruktivitas better. For example, the position between the tables and chairs when we work or study. This position is made in such a way that we can easily do the job. Psychological impact that can make the productivity increase due to an ergonomic position to reduce the level of fatigue in the workplace. (Http: / / /)
Application / implementation of Ergonomics:
1. Position Work consists of sitting and standing position, sitting position in which the foot is not burdened with the weight of the body and stable position during work. While standing position where the vertical position of the spine and body weight in a balanced concentrated on two legs.
2. Work processes. The workers can achieve the work equipment in accordance with the position of working time and according to the size anthropometrinya. Anthropometric measures should be distinguished from the west and east.
3. The layout of the workplace. Display must be clearly visible during work activities. While the internationally accepted symbol is more widely used than words.
4. Lifting weights. Various ways in which lifting weights, with head, shoulders, arms, back etc.. This burden is too heavy (Source: Examples of the simplest and most common is a chair with humans who use them (have). The explanation is simple: If we sit a comfortable chair, then we can work more comfortable and relaxed so that the concentration is maintained, consequently the results of our work is also good.
The position we're using a laptop on the bed floor /, our position when lifting a gallon of drinking water, and especially a variety of positions when we do the work of many cases on the science of ergonomics. Calculation, analysis and ergonomic design aims to create a comfortable working tool when used to enhance user productivity. Working position error enable one to become easily tired, lack of concentration and even aches or pain in certain parts. (Http: / / 

2 komentar:

gclass2011 mengatakan...

in my opinion, very important for us to study the science of ergonomics. because in ergonomics taught us to be able to learn to interact with the work, be it a working tool or our work environment. This major effect on the results of our work. in the science of ergonomics we learn many things of the effectiveness of the work, safety, or the way the process works so well that do not cause accidents, environmental destruction, waste time, waste of cost, power dissipation,. hence its function better ergonomics must be applied in the process of work or in its function as a function object is used as a working tool. so hopefully people can conduct its activities effectively, efficiently and optimally as possible, and do not forget to pay attention to the safety of workers / users of products and safety for the environment too. other than that we as a young engineer is required to make products that are ergonomic for the future, then we can help people in everyday activities.

gclass2011 mengatakan...

in my opinion, very important for us to study the science of ergonomics. because in ergonomics taught us to be able to learn to interact with the work, be it a working tool or our work environment. This major effect on the results of our work. in the science of ergonomics we learn many things of the effectiveness of the work, safety, or the way the process works so well that do not cause accidents, environmental destruction, waste time, waste of cost, power dissipation,. hence its function better ergonomics must be applied in the process of work or in its function as a function object is used as a working tool. so hopefully people can conduct its activities effectively, efficiently and optimally as possible, and do not forget to pay attention to the safety of workers / users of products and safety for the environment too. other than that we as a young engineer is required to make products that are ergonomic for the future, then we can help people in everyday activities.


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