
Senin, 26 Desember 2011

Application Ergonomics in Manufacturing Industries

A manufacturing industry is a complex human-machine-organisation system. According to the study by Shikdar et. al, (2002), a system consists of six major components, which are human operator, equipment, task, workplace, environment and management. Efficient function of ergonomics in the system components can attain stability between worker’s characteristics and task demands. This in turn will increase job satisfaction which resulted into worker’s productivity, provide worker’s safety that lead to reduce compensation cost and reduced musculoskeletal disorders (MSD )
In order to enhance the awareness of ergonomics among workers, ergonomics programs should be implemented in manufacturing industry. Ergonomics program is a systematic process for anticipating, identifying, designing, developing, analysing and controlling ergonomics risk factors to ensure the health and safety of the workers. Ergonomics risk factors such as forceful exertion, awkward postures, repetitive exertions and environmental factors may cause MSD amongst the workers(Dahalan et al, 2003). There are many types of ergonomics programs carried out in manufacturing industries such as orientation, ergonomics training, monthly/yearly inspection, risk assessment, ergonomics campaign, ergonomics representatives, publicity campaign and ergonomics topic of the month. Ergonomics program ought to contain basic of ergonomics principles, how to recognise symptom and risk factors of MSD. In addition, top management has to ensure optimum functioning of the system components (human operator, equipment, task, workplace, environment, management) for effective ergonomics programs. According to Munck-Ulfsält et al, (2003), ergonomics program involving reactive and proactive measures have increase the ergonomics awareness among all levels of workers.
In Joseph, (2003), ergonomics programs have been developed in Ford Motor Company and implemented by Local Ergonomics Committees (LECs). The responsibilities of LECs are to identify and evaluate jobs, develop and implement solutions in managing issues related to MSD and to ensure appropriate use of human resources in the plant. In addition, Ford launch of a new comprehensive documentation system, the Ergonomics Evidence Book  to record information about plant ergonomics process. There are five steps in the book that required to successfully implementing ergonomics in a new region. One of the steps is securing leadership commitment by implementing a preliminary leadership orientation program.
The orientation program must be scheduled and organized to ensure the leadership aware of the
incoming process of ergonomics (Joseph, 2003). The orientation program must be carried out about two hours and has the objectives such as to create awareness among local leadership of what ergonomics is, why it is important and why the company needs it. It also provides the leadership with an overview of the design structure of the ergonomics process and to discuss local laws and contracts that may affect the implementation of the ergonomics in the plant.
Furthermore, ergonomics training program also presents positive results in creating awareness, increasing ergonomics knowledge to prevent work related MSD and motivates employees to utilise their creative problem solving capacity (Munck-Ulfsält et al, 2003; Shahnavaz, 2000). In Munck- Ulfsält et al, (2003), Occupational Health Department in Volvo Car Corporation implemented ergonomics training for the top management to operators to develop knowledge in the area of ergonomics. The ergonomics training program must be continued in order to maintain a high level of knowledge. However, learning followed by practice is the best way to confirm and reinforce the ergonomics knowledge.
Ergonomics program such as risk assessment and monthly/yearly inspection has also been conducted to reduce MSD (Munck-Ulfsält et al, 2003; Joseph, 2003; Smyth, 2003). The trained workers were provided with tools such as checklist corresponding to the function of the respective tasks to record ergonomics risk assessment. Tasks were identified and tasks that have high risk of injuries are set at the highest priority for recommendations action to be taken. Once the improvements have been implemented, the same checklists are used to give a direct comparison of how effective the ergonomics intervention has been in reducing the risk that had originally been identified. These assessments are reviewed by ergonomists every month/year and updated as required if there are any changes made to the tasks or equipments.
Ergonomics representative programs were also one of the ergonomics programs that have been conducted. For example in The Boots Contract Manufacturing Company (Smyth, 2003), a representative from each department was trained by the ergonomist to act as “Ergonomics Champion”. Each of the Ergonomics Champion is involved in a 12 weeks project to develop their understanding of workplace ergonomics and risk assessment. Once the project has been completed, they were required to implement the risk assessment program in their department.
Another way to disseminate the ergonomics knowledge through the ergonomics programs are campaigns and topics of the month. For instance, the GTI Company in Netherlands choose ergonomics campaign on two popular cartoon characters that appeared on posters, hand-outs and mouse pads to attract the workers to distribute information regarding the ergonomics (Niggebrugge and Schelle, 1999).
The implementation of ergonomics programs give positive impact to manufacturing industry such as to enhance the ergonomics awareness, knowledge, reduce MSD and motivate workers to work in ergonomically manner.

1 komentar:

Dhisa Ari Dwiyanto mengatakan...

In my mind, it’s important to have an ergonomic application in industries. So in every single of industry must have an ergonomic program, it will help for the safety of workers, increase the productivity, increase the worker’s satisfaction, and decrease the musculoskeletal deseas. But some of the industries do not care about the workers, so they ignore or not implement the ergonomic program. They still not realize how important the ergonomic program is. So in order to increase the ergonomic awareness, we must socialize the important of ergonomic program. Some of other way such as ergonomic orientation, ergonomic campaign, ergonomic training, and a continuous ergonomic inspection. These way will increase the ergonomic awareness in the company if it is applied properly.

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